Questions and Answers

What is a 3D/4D Ultrasound?

3D ultrasound is a medical ultrasound technique used during pregnancy, providing three dimensional images of the fetus. Often these images are captured rapidly and animated to produce a "4D ultrasound".

"4D" is shorthand for "four-dimensional"- the fourth dimension being time. As far as ultrasound is concerned, 4D Ultrasound is the latest ultrasound technology. 4D Ultrasound takes three-dimensional still ultrasound images and adds the element of time to the process. The result: Live Action images of your unborn child.

Do I need any special licenses or certificates to do a 3D/4D Ultrasound?

The short and simple answer is NO. Fortunately ultrasound is one of the few medical fields (and non medical) that does not require any special licenses or certificates. What it does require though is training on both the machine physics as well as general knowledge and knowhow of proceeding with an ultrasound. 

Is the business training set up as a complete "ready-set" package?

Our business training is catered to your needs. Not every studio will be setup the same or have the same goals. These are the reasons that we tailor each business training to your specific needs.


What countries do you work with and where can we get training at?

We work with basically any country out there. We feel that everyone should get the opportunity to perform ultrasounds if they wish. We can either do the training at your location (in the USA or outside) or at our training facility outside of Nashville, TN.


Featured Services

  • Business TrainingLooking for a starting point in opening your own 3D/4D Ultrasound Studio... :: more

  • Buying or Selling?We have a large & growing selection of ultrasound equipment in stock. :: more

  • Ultrasound Training We are here to help you learn how to perform 3D/4D Elective Ultrasounds:: more
